Didugno Petson and the cat Findus started cleaning up before Christmas. And they coped with almost everything. All that remained was to take care of the Christmas tree and the festive table. And that's when something happened that shouldn't have...
This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Buzynova Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures and life lessons. And there are small and big joys that make...
As soon as winter comes, the whole forest begins to bustle with joy. Fox cubs clean the huts, squirrels bake the most delicious cookies in the woods, hedgehogs write holiday letters - all busy with holiday activities. And again! After...
Andrii Gaister, a criminal psychologist from Kyiv, is sent as a consultant to the godforsaken village of Buskiv Sad. A little girl disappeared there on a winter night. And there is also the Beast - a serial maniac whose murders...
A book that will be so appropriate to give a preschooler for any of the winter holidays - for St. Nicholas, Christmas or New Year. In a brightly illustrated collection of gift form - poems and short stories about winter,...
This is a series of sticker books for the little ones. Colored stickers in each edition. With them the kid will easily master the basic colors and forms, will get acquainted with sizes.
"You can't promise too much," Grandpa Patson thought more than once when he promised Findus's cat that a Christmas dwarf would come to them on Christmas Eve. "There are no dwarves in the world." But then, secretly from the cat,...
In your hands - the most amazing and incredible Christmas story imaginable. The boy William asks Santa for a dinosaur for Christmas and has no idea what his request will turn out to be. Flipping through the pages of this...
Unexpectedly, a real winter comes for everyone: it gets colder, snow falls, and ice appears on the lake. To have some fun, Rex's mother decides to organize a winter fishing competition. The main prize is a can of mackerel in...
This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Buzynova Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures and life lessons. And also the small and big joys that make...
Juja Wislander is a Swedish children's writer known for her stories about the restless cow Mama Mu and her faithful friend Raven. The heroes of Wislander's books constantly get into various adventures and try to get out of funny troubles....
This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Buzynova Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures and life lessons. And also the small and big joys that make...
William surprisingly finds himself in the future and learns that there is no Christmas in it - the favorite holiday of the boy and his dad. He cannot believe that the existence of Santa, elves and magical deer has been...
The plot of the book "Tsurpalko" tells about the friendly family of dad Tsurpalko, his wife and three children, who live happily on the family tree. But family coziness is destroyed in an instant, because being a stick is oh...
This is a series of sticker books for the little ones. Colored stickers in each edition. With them the kid will easily master the basic colors and forms, will get acquainted with sizes.
The mirror portal has reopened! But this time Alex and Ruby know that a new task awaits them there. All Pilgrims have always been cheerful and friendly. But a distant relative, Idit, may never know, because her father sends her...
The townspeople wait for no holiday as eagerly as Christmas, when the city is bustling and carefree. Everything around is filled with joyful laughter, carols, cheerful voices. And also - fabulous incense from aunt Malva's magical van. But this year,...
A poem by a classic of Ukrainian literature about snow, familiar to many generations: mothers and fathers, grandparents. It's time for the youngest readers of VSL to study it, because it has so much joy from snow and winter fun!
The adventures of a truck and a trailer continue in this book. This time they have an important task - to bring a Christmas tree to the city! But on the way they are not bothered: snowdrifts, pits, hills, a...
One morning in December, a long hibernation of the Moomin-troll family broke. The world behind the walls of the house changed beyond recognition: something white and mysterious covered the whole Valley of the Moomin Trolls, here and there dreamed hats...
For Christmas, Grandpa Troodon sent Timmy a big and mysterious surprise gift. And unfortunately, the package and the postman... got lost on the way! Will Rasmus and Timmy not see a present before Christmas? Friends are not used to giving...
Let's take a look at the Blackberry Hedge, strewn with fluffy and crunchy snow. Here on the other side of the stream, behind the field, among the roots and in the old tree trunks live cute mice, with whom different...
Sammy is Santa's favorite. The little furry boy tries to help his master with the preparation for Christmas, but he is constantly getting sleepy. Sammy can fall asleep anywhere: in Santa's slippers, socks, or in a Christmas gift box that...
Christmas Eve is back! Get ready for a NEW Christmas adventure from bestselling author Tom Fletcher! Everyone already knows about the lists of Chemnenky and Nechemnyuk, right? What about Santa's super-secret device that he ALWAYS blows twice? Well, this year,...
Our fears prevent us from living the most. They resemble tigers that growl menacingly and constantly remind: "Don't pry! You won't succeed!" And we get scared, stop, and even retreat, losing opportunities and going off the path that could lead...
Penellafie Balfour, aka Makivka, is not just an orphaned daughter of rich people close to the royal family, but also a Virgin. The girl is prepared for years for an important religious ritual, deeply respected and jealously guarded, so Makivka...
"Walls in my head. Living with anxiety and depression", Volodymyr Stanchyshyn Volodymyr Stanchyshyn is a Ukrainian psychotherapist, originally from Lviv, who works in the field of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. His publication "Walls in your head" is considered a high-quality book on...
City of Girls is the new bestseller from Elizabeth Gilbert, who conquered the world with Eat, Pray, Love and The Nature of All Things. This is an intriguing novel about female sexuality and freedom, about the courage to be yourself...
1 kiss seems to last a moment, but 1000 special kisses can last a lifetime. In the center of the plot of the book "A Thousand Memorable Kisses" by the author Tilly Cole is one boy and one girl, as...
A simple, at first glance, story about a failed pathologist. Severyn is not appreciated at work and is paid little, something incomprehensible is happening with the man's personal life, his self-esteem is at zero. So, being practically at the bottom,...
In this book, the author tells the story of her own re-education and transformation into a champion out of self-love. Through simple daily rituals, Tara transformed her mind, body and relationships and will teach you how to: feign gratitude until...
Viktor Frankl is a world-renowned psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and philosopher. In 1942, he was sent to a concentration camp, where hunger, humiliation, disease, and a constant threat to his life awaited him. By analyzing his behavior and the behavior of other...
In this book, the author argues that the persistent attempt to present all religions as different paths to the same God misses the problem that each tradition seeks to solve. This book will become an indispensable guide to the questions...
In the mid-1940s, red-lipped beauty Genevieve (Gigi) Parsons is being stalked by a stalker. However, such attention and mysteriousness of this man become pleasant to her and give her a living outlet, a breath of fresh air, the little joys...
Sun Tzu's "Art of War" is being interpreted in Ukrainian for the first time. The translator, a historian of Eastern philosophy, is convinced that the philosophical and strategic work of the ancient Chinese military leader and the ideas and advice...
"Finish! Your right to pleasure" is a popular publication about the peculiarities of the female body and sexuality. This publication will be useful for expanding readers' sexual awareness, in particular, it provides comprehensive knowledge about the clitoris and its features....
• World bestseller • 40 million copies sold • The novel became the basis of a popular television series He comes only at night. Silently enters the house. He sneaks into the bedroom, where lonely women, having just woken up...
Boris Johnson's book is the story of how the eccentric genius of Churchill, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, one of the most outstanding leaders of the 20th century, shaped world politics. Analyzing the achievements and mistakes, as well as...
Independence did not fall from the sky - the state tradition has been living in our lands since the Scythian times and actually did not stop until 1991. A short and clear account of the events of the past together...
The author of the book, Serhii Plokhiy, is a professor at Harvard University, one of the world's leading specialists in the history of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. For the book "The Gate of Europe" he received the Taras Shevchenko National...
"Alia, Alyona and I. From our names, written in a row or a column, you can study the history of Crimea." Crimea. It was here that the main character of the novel spent her childhood, youth and first love. It...
Something that they are ashamed to talk about, and something that almost every one of the billions of the planet's population has done at least once in their life. Such a natural and important process that ensures the survival of...
The book by Lina Kostenko, a beloved Ukrainian poetess of the late second and early third millennium, includes her most famous poems from various periods of her work, from early poetry to today, as well as excerpts from novels and...
Riches don't fall from the sky—unless you expect to be showered with winning lottery tickets, of course. However, with the right life and financial position and a long-term plan, everyone can achieve financial security and acquire solid wealth, significantly increasing...
George Orwell (real name Eric Arthur Blair) is an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterized by piercing social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism and frank support for the democratic aspirations of humanity. Author and popularizer of the...
The book "The Chemistry of Death. The First Investigation" by the author Simon Beckett is an exciting crime story that keeps you in suspense until the very end. The main character David Gunter, a former forensic anthropologist who lost everything...
When we decide to build relationships, we have to remember: there are no correct recipes, everyone will follow their own unique path. Someone will get married, and someone will build a long-term relationship without official marriage registration. Someone will have...
An undisputed New York Times bestseller! A dynamic thriller with an unpredictable plot for true lovers of abandoned places and mysterious events. Ants from reading the novel are guaranteed! A luxury hotel high in the Swiss Alps is the last...
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«Не хочу рівно, хочу, як у кіно». Від першої закоханості й метеликів у животі до конфліктів та важких рішень. У своїй новій книжці блогерка й авторка бестселера «Матера вам не наймичка» Катя Бльостка відверто ділиться власною історією, починаючи від посиденьок...
Цей набір ― чудова ідея навчити дитину малювати, приємно та корисно провести час за творчістю. Для розфарбовування не знадобляться олівці та фарби. 8 картинок, кожна на окремому аркуші. Тому вони не склеюються і не розмазуються.
Творче заняття для малечі. Розфарбовуємо картинку кольоровим піском. Можна декорувати як на малюнку, за шаблоном чи на свій смак. Такий вид творчості дуже подобається дошкільнятам. Кожний колір окремо запакований у герметичне упакування. Комплектація: 2 зображення для розфарбовування піском, кольоровий пісок
О боляче! Мама пошкодила собі ногу і не може ставати на неї. Конні мусить подбати про маму. Дівчинка приносить мамі подушки, подає склянку води… Конні пишається, що справді може бути корисною! Для дітей віком від 3 років.
У мами день народження і Конні вирішила приготувати для неї чудовий сюрприз: власноруч спечені млинці з фруктовим салатом. Зімон їй допомагає. Діти таємно готують смаколики: нарізають, перемішують, куштують… І забрьохують все довкола. Тато стежить, щоб нічого не сталося. Це будуть...
Конні тішиться, адже наступні вихідні вони з татом проведуть лише удвох. Вони вирішили облаштувати сад. Це має бути сюрпризом для мами. Конні з татом малюють план саду, копають землю, вибирають рослини, а також лагодять велосипедні шини… Вони – справжня команда!...
Конні насправді більше не вірить у великоднього зайця. Але чому незадовго до Великодня вона бачить у саду вухастика? Незабаром дівчинка забуває про це, бо захоплюється розмальовуванням яєць. Та врешті настає Великдень, і Конні доводиться рятувати великоднього зайця!
«Пора спати», — кажуть мама і тато. Але Конні не може заснути. Вона зовсім не втомилася! Якоб також ще не спить, а він набагато менший від неї. І тато, і мама ще не сплять... Але, нарешті, Конні вдається заснути. Для...
Автор цього бестселера продав тринадцять тисяч і один автомобіль за п’ятнадцять років своєї кар’єри, потрапивши в Книгу рекордів Гіннеса як найбільший продавець у світі. До цієї книги увійшли його унікальні системи продажів: • успішна процедура, яка може породити ще 250;...
У віці від 6 до 11 років діти бувають неорганізованими, неуважними, незібраними, природженими брехунами, недружелюбними, невихованими... Вони погано поводяться в школі, у них нервові розлади. Авторка наголошує: такою поведінкою діти благають про допомогу. Що ми робимо не так? Як допомогти...
Мета пропонованих «Математичних прописів» — допомогти учневі початкової школи в оволодінні навичками правильного написання цифр. Завдяки використанню клітинок різних розмірів, що поступово зменшуються, а також оптимальній добірці вправ на обведення, дописування і копіювання, дитина зможе швидко й легко навчитися писати...
Цікаве для найменших, у маленькому зручному форматі, з міцними картонними сторінками
Піппа Фіц-Амобі більше не детектив. Її подкаст про торішню розкриту справу став вірусним. Слухачі вимагають другий сезон, проте Піп наполягає — її слідча кар'єра позаду.Але не так сталося, як гадалося. Зник Джеймі, знайомий Піп. Поліція нічого не робить. Усім взагалі...
Творче заняття для малечі. Розфарбовуємо картинку кольоровим піском. Можна декорувати як на малюнку, за шаблоном чи на свій смак. Такий вид творчості дуже подобається дошкільнятам. Кожний колір окремо запакований у герметичне упакування. Комплектація: 2 зображення для розфарбовування піском, кольоровий пісок
Задираки, плаксії, ябеди, брехуни, задаваки, хвальки і віртуози гри на нервах – це ніякі не монстри, а всього лише діти, яким тільки належить стати дорослими. Їм буває дуже важко впоратися з собою без нашої допомоги, і формою захисної реакції стають...
Про методику Монтессорі чули практично всі батьки. Однак далеко не у всіх є змога забезпечити своєму малюкові навчання у спеціальних закладах, які працюють на основі цієї методики. Проте є хороша новина: для забезпечення всебічного розвитку дитини не обов’язково віддавати її...