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The plot of the book "The Gruffalo" tells about a cunning mouse who, in order to save himself from a fox, a snake and an owl, invents a terrifying Gruffalo. This monstrous beast is very fond of fox kebabs, owl...

Рукавичка. Кращі українські казки

We offer a series of Ukrainian folk tales for children with witty and bright pictures. The texts of fairy tales are adapted for kids. The wavy shape of the books activates the child's tactile activity, stimulating its overall development. The...

Чарівна книжка про какашки

Little Olenka is very similar to her peers. The girl is just learning to go to the toilet, but she doesn't always get out; she is sometimes ashamed to poop and dreams of never doing it ... And she also...

Колобок. Кращі світові казки.

One of the most famous children's tales about the ingenious Kolobko, who was lucky enough to deceive many animals and escape from them. The series The world's best fairy tales with witty and bright pictures contains the world's most popular...


The main task of toys - physical, aesthetic and spiritual development of the child, designed to strengthen it through appropriate movements and gestures. This book is for the youngest readers, with whom the mother speaks in kind language, tells and...


The children will quickly fall asleep to their mother's gentle word, and she will dream of stars, flowers, animals and fun games that the new day will bring. This book will help to lull a child to gratitude, combining the...

Про природу і погоду. Малятко-розумнятко.

Sun and rain, rainbow and thunder, fog and snow, wind and storm at sea - all this is told in the poems of this book, from which native nature seems to smile at us. The series of books "Baby-smart" includes...

Пори року. Малятко-розумнятко.

Every month, every season is described in verses that seem to count down the time and highlight the changes that are taking place around us. The most interesting poems from the best children's poets reveal the most necessary and useful...

Колосок. Кращі українські казки

• The best and most favorite fairy tales. • The most interesting and witty pictures. • Texts adapted for young children. • Approved by teachers and psychologists. • Complies with sanitary standards. The wavy shape of the book activates the...


On the bright pages of the book "The Gruffalo" the plot develops about how the father of the Gruffalo raises his daughter and tells her incredible stories. Of course, one of them is about the huge scary Myshara, who lives...

Миколай, ти до нас завітай

As soon as winter comes, the whole forest begins to bustle with joy. Fox cubs clean the huts, squirrels bake the most delicious cookies in the woods, hedgehogs write holiday letters - all busy with holiday activities. And again! After...

Улюблені вірші. Том перший

Popular poems by Ukrainian and foreign poets "Favorite Poems" is one of the most successful books "A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GI", a book that is constantly updated with new drawings and supplemented with new poems - the most valuable examples of classical and modern...

ripka shkola

A tale about a very, very big turnip, which a small target helped several people to cope with. The series The world's best fairy tales with witty and bright pictures contains the world's most popular fairy tales. The texts of...

Відгадай-но. Кольори

Guess-but series was created especially for the little ones. Each page of the book is a solid figure in the shape of a car, fruit, beast… Untie the string and you will get great cards for playing with words and...

Laughing Chicken (for small hands)

Touching poems about brave heroes will win the hearts of readers. Simple, understandable stories for even the smallest readers will be able to teach the lesson of friendship, mutual help and kindness. Bright pictures, made in different styles, will interest...

Івасик-Телесик. Кращі українські казки

Favorite children's tale about a boy Ivasyk-Telesyk, who was carved out of a tree by his grandfather to the delight of his grandmother. The evil witch almost lost Ivasyk, but he was lucky to escape thanks to his own ingenuity...

Developmental stickers for babies. Butterfly

On each page of the book, young readers will find a color sample, according to which they have to decorate with stickers the version of the picture presented next to it. Children need to repeat the pattern correctly. This will...

Babies about everything in the world

Super task for a little genius: 21 topics; - 322 pictures; large convenient format; dense, strong cardboard pages; and interesting tasks for each topic are waiting for the baby! In our large encyclopedia, an inquisitive child will find 39 interesting...

Funny alphabet

Funny alphabet with poems by Natalie Zabyla is made interesting by small stories about hardworking children, caring animals and wonderful nature. Each letter to be learned is highlighted in red or blue in the words to attract the child's attention...

Троє поросят. Кращі світові казки.

The children will meet three pig brothers, among whom the smartest and most serious was Naf-Naf, thanks to which the frivolous brothers were lucky to save themselves and get rid of the wolf-villain. The series The world's best fairy tales...

A funny book about the sounds around me

Flipping through the Wimelbuch, the child will get to know the sounds that can be heard in the house, on the street, in the forest and the zoo. Funny situations, cute characters and bright objects will interest the baby and...

Where is my mom?

Will the butterfly be able to help the monkey find her mother? It's not as easy as it may seem, because there are many different mothers in the jungle. But the butterfly will perfectly cope with this puzzle, and after...

Котик і півник. Кращі українські казки.

A tale about friendship, ingenuity and ... about obedience, which plays a very important role in life. We offer a series of Ukrainian folk tales for children with witty and bright pictures. The texts of fairy tales are adapted for...

Відгадай-но. Машинки

Guess-but series was created especially for the little ones. Each page of the book is a solid figure in the shape of a car, fruit, beast… Untie the string and you will get great cards for playing with words and...


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