5 years


Showing 1181 products

Малим дітям про все на світі. Енциклопедія в казках
Сашко Дерманський

 In his "signature" style, Sashko Dermansky effortlessly and interestingly, clearly and captivatingly answers numerous questions from little why-askers: where streams are rushing to, where thunder is born, where butterflies come from, where puddles disappear to — and many, many others....

Children about intimate things
Юлія Ярмоленко

This book talks about very important things - the organs that we cover with underwear. Not because they are ugly or shameful, but because we treat them with great respect and delicacy. They are called sexual organs or genitals. These...

Poster Ukrainian Alphabet A2 format

The poster is intended for everyone who is learning Ukrainian letters. Along with the letters, it features images that contain the same letter.

Leichtes Deutsсh. Дітям 4-9 років, що вивчають німецьку
Василій Федієнко

In our time, knowledge of the German language is no longer a whim or a hobby, but often a necessity. And it is essential to lay the groundwork for future language proficiency as early as possible, utilizing the enormous ability...

ART Handwriting for Future Schoolchildren. Step 2. Printed Letters
Світлана Моісеєнко

The first writing exercises should be bright and interesting! "Writing for Future Schoolchildren" is a mix of fun tasks and training exercises for little hands. In the series, there are 2 step notebooks. Step 2: we write printed letters and...

Рукавичка. Кращі українські казки

We offer a series of Ukrainian folk tales for children with witty and colorful illustrations. The texts of the tales are adapted for toddlers. The wavy shape of the books activates the child's tactile activity, stimulating their overall development. The...

The Adventures of Petson and Findus
Свен Нордквіст

Welcome to the estate of Petson and Findus! "Here you will see chickens, cows, and all sorts of little mice. But you won't be able to see the fox because Findus chased him away. Together with Grandpa and the clever...

Ігрові вправи. Перші кроки з читання. Рівень 2

Notebooks that will help step by step to master the first reading skills and prepare for school. And this will be assisted by the funny little monkey Lulu. One page – one lesson. The illustrations in the notebook are intentionally...

My First German Words. Illustrated Thematic Dictionary for Children Aged 4-7 Years
Надія Вітушинська

The manual provides a thematic illustrated dictionary with communicatively oriented exercises. The publication will help teach children to correctly name and describe objects in German, as well as to communicate in German at an elementary level.Recommended for use in preschool...

Alphabet Book for Preschoolers. Reader (Hardcover)
Василій Федієнко

The aim of the manual is to develop the initial reading skills in older preschool children. The book will also assist in the development of phonemic awareness, mastery of sound-letter analysis, and will expand the child's vocabulary. The child will...

Children learn German. For children aged 3-6 years.
Ігор Грицюк

The guide contains German words and conversational structures. The material is selected according to topics that provide children with basic information about the surrounding world. The use of illustrations and game elements helps to increase motivation and encourages easy and...

Applications for toddlers. Fun activities
Микола Дмітрух

A booklet with colored templates for applications on the theme "Fun Activities".

ART Handwriting for Future Schoolchildren. Step 1. On Cells and Lines
Світлана Моісеєнко

The first writing exercises should be bright and interesting! "Writing for Future Schoolchildren" is a mix of fun tasks and training exercises for little hands. In the series, there are 2 step notebooks.Step 1: prepare the hand for writing.- We...

Alphabet Book for Preschoolers. Reader (Soft Cover)
Василій Федієнко

The aim of the manual is to develop the initial reading skills in older preschool children. The book will also assist in the development of phonemic awareness, mastery of sound-letter analysis, and will expand the child's vocabulary. The child will...

Українська абетка із завданнями
Катерина Трофімова

"Ukraine""Ukrainian Alphabet with Tasks" — for Engaging Learning The book will introduce the little one to the alphabet and help take the first steps in reading. On each page, there are many objects for a specific letter, as well as...

[1] The Great Illustrated Book of Fairy Tales

A book with such generous illustrations is very rare. Wonderful fairy tales by Ukrainian and foreign writers with luxurious illustrations by leading Ukrainian artists.

Logic, memory, and attention
Василій Федієнко

"Fediienko's Notebook Logic Memory and Attention, 48 pages - A Gift for the Little Genius. 'Logic, Memory and Attention'" The development of a child occurs quite rapidly. At the age of 4-5 years, children strive to learn as much new...

Буквар Читайлик. Великий формат
Василій Федієнко

The aim of the manual is to develop the initial reading skills in older preschool children. The book will also assist in the development of phonemic awareness and expand the child's vocabulary. The child will gain an understanding of concepts...

Ігрові вправи. Перші кроки з читання. Рівень 1

Notebooks that will help step by step to master the first reading skills and prepare for school. And this will be assisted by the funny little monkey Lulu. One page – one lesson. The illustrations in the notebook are intentionally...

100 fairy tales. 1st volume

This is the first volume of the three-volume set "100 Tales". The work on the book lasted over 7 years. The first edition was published in September 2005.

Енциклопедія дошкільника (збірник)
Юлія Каспарова

Do you think it's too early for your son or daughter to get acquainted with encyclopedias? This book is suitable even for a two-year-old! It includes the most interesting topics from the mega-popular series "Encyclopedia for Preschoolers": space and natural...

Різдво у Петсона
Свен Нордквіст

Didugno Petson and the cat Findus started cleaning up before Christmas. And they coped with almost everything. All that remained was to take care of the Christmas tree and the festive table. And that's when something happened that shouldn't have...

It's so good to be together
Ютта Ланґройтер

There is nothing more important than family. This is the main idea of ​​the incredibly charming book "It's so good to be together" by Jutta Langreuter and Stefanie Dahl. A good and sweet story tells about a family of bunnies:...

Домашня логопедія
Василій Федієнко

This book is for parents who are concerned that their child cannot pronounce certain sounds. Through various playful exercises, you will not only teach your child to pronounce sounds that are difficult for them, but also develop their phonemic awareness,...


5 years

If you are looking for good literature for preschool children, you have come to the right place. Beautiful and quality books are presented in our assortment, so all that remains is to choose what you like. Our online store has its own warehouse in Germany, so there are no problems with the delivery of books, as all the literature available for five- to six-year-old children is in stock.

A great selection of books at advantageous prices

When we fill our assortment, we focus on the current trends of the book market and the requests of modern parents. Everyone wants their child to grow up to be an educated person, a patriot of their country, and an individual who consciously and respectfully relates to the state in which they live. Children from the Ukrainian diaspora find themselves at the intersection of several cultural contexts. It is important for the child to respect the country they live in while not losing their own cultural characteristics. This is where having good Ukrainian literature from TOP publishers at home helps. We have formed the assortment of our online store so that you can choose such books.

"When we choose the books that we present on our bookshelves, we focus on literature that possesses the following advantages:"

  • substance and useful information;
  • quality and aesthetically pleasing design;
  • adequate price.

Having worked long enough in our field, we know that a book should not only be interesting but also good. This is one of those factors that helps a child to hold their attention on it for as long as possible, not wanting to set it aside. Good children's books in Ukrainian are an opportunity to help your little one grow and develop with respect for their native language. Here you will find such books in sufficient variety.

What to pay attention to

Parents who choose books for children aged 5-6 should consider having both literature for preschool development and fiction books at home. The first of the mentioned categories helps the child develop the skills and acquire the knowledge that will make them a successful student in the future, assisting in their preparation for school. The second category, namely fiction books, is aimed at developing abstract thinking and creative imagination in children. Thus, a balance of cognitive and entertaining information helps the child to fully develop intellectually and makes the book a faithful companion of their happy childhood.

You will find books for 5-year-old children that promote the development of logic and spatial thinking. The "Robocar" series is very popular and captivates little ones. And these are just a few examples! In short, the selection is sufficient for everyone to find the exact literature option for their child that they like the most. And a nice bonus in the form of free delivery for all orders over 80 euros will be a pleasant surprise for you. With us, you can not only buy good books for your little one but also save money.

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