About a little mole who wanted to find out who put something on his head.
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This is a book that encourages a reboot of one’s perceptions of children’s literature and the scope of its themes. From the very first lines, it dismantles all the accepted figures of avoidance in our society. For many readers accustomed to traditional children’s literature, the book will likely seem unusual in terms of WHAT the story written by Werner Golzvart is about and HOW this story is told. But, without a doubt, this book will appeal to children, delight them, and even allow them, while playing, to solve a pressing problem that causes either distress or genuine joy for most parents - depending on the contents of a diaper or potty. From the perspective of developmental psychology, this is a very appropriate book. And who better than a mole, who, having decided to find out who has placed something on his head, conducts a whole investigation-research, to become a friend to the child-researchers? And then there’s the language, the words. Oleksandra Hryhorenko translated it very tastefully. Children, again while playing, will enrich their vocabulary with new words. And by pronouncing sound-reproducing constructions, they will learn proper articulation more quickly. And for all this, it is equally important that children will learn from the mole to dig into the essence of things, understanding: if someone has placed something on your head, it is essential to clarify it, and having clarified... Well, read for yourself. So, take off the starched collars from yourself and your children: they rub the neck unbearably and hinder free breathing. Read about the mole, enjoy the laughter, reactions, and questions of your little ones, the witty narrative of Werner Golzvart, and the charming, dynamic illustrations of Wolf Erlbruch, along with the wonderful linguistic presentation by Oleksandra Hryhorenko.
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